SUNRISE BEACH: 573-374-6545 OSAGE BEACH: 573-693-9277 SEARCH USED INVENTORY Showing 1 - 12 of 187 results Brand NoneBoat FloaterCarvelDriveOnEconoEZ PortFibersteelGalva PolyHydro PolyLeisureLiftPoly BIPoly HDPoly PlusPoly Plus HDPremiumROTOShoremasterTitanPolyLiftGalvaHydroHoistOther Slip Width None8xDBL PWCoffsetTBAPWC FMPWC SM9x10x11x12x13x14x15x16x18x Consignment or Trade in NoneConsignmentTrade in Length/Diameter None(10) 20x18 (2) 19x18(2) 36 x 15 4 & (1) 36 x 13(2) Lg (2) Sm10X16x817x2818x518x618x824x1324x1624x824x9028x28x1028x1228x12'630x530x831x3232x1032x1232x16'5"32x2532x532x936x16'8"36x203@24x24 2@24x264@ 18x16'8"4x3666'TUBTubs Lift Size None10,000 +6 arm10,000 ULTRA MTSW10,000lb10,000lb MTSW10000lb MTSW12,000 MTSW12,000lb15 Poly Short Mech15,000lb15,000lb +17,00018,000lb18000 Poly+2,000lb2,000lbs21,000lb24,000lb27,000lb3,000lb30,00030,000lb+3500lb4,000 Poly Plus4,000lb4,000lb MTSW4,000lb Poly Plus4,500lb40000lb5,000 lbs6 Poly Offset6,000lb6,000lb MTSW7000lb8,000 MTSW8,000lbDouble PlatDouble PWCFMPWCPWC FMPWC PlatPWC SMTBA Warranty NoneYesNo Approximate Age None1-3 years11+ years3-5 years5-7 years7-10 yearsless than 1 yearUnknown Price Range of Lift None$0-$2,000$2,001-$4,000$4,001-$7,000$7,001-$10,000$10,001-$15,000$15,001-$20,000$20,000+ Filter selected 12000# Galva $9,900.00 4000# HydroHoist $4,600.00 6000# Galva 12x 15000# PolyLift 18000# Poly+ PolyLift PWC 12x 6000# Poly PWC DriveOn 8000# Galva 6000# PolyLift Galva PWC FM DriveOn TTN 1 2 3 4 … 14 15 16 →